A total of 50 subjects participated in the study. The study was conducted in the department of Physiotherapy, Uttaranchal (PG) College of biomedical sciences and Hospital, Dehradun. The subjects were recruited from Uttaranchal (PG) College of biomedical sciences and Hospital Dehradun. Subjects were chosen as per the inclusion and exclusion criteria and informed consent should be obtained from all of them. After explaining the procedure, the subjects were assessed and divided into two groups possible squatting group and impossible squatting group. The subjects were asked to sit in the deep squatting posture with their heel down and arm Crossed and maintain the posture for more than 5 second and they were divided into 2 groups. Two points to be kept in mind while squatting were as follows: (a) Both the knees and feet should be brought together to the maximum possible extent throughout the deep squat and (b) The thigh and calf should be in contact with each other. The subjects were divided into two groups possible squatting and impossible deep squatting groups. The possible deep squatting group can be described as those who can performed the squatting i.e, both the knee and feet should be brought together to maximum possible and the thigh and calf should be in contact with each other and maintain these posture more than 5 second whereas impossible deep squatting group can be described as those who cant performed to contact calf and thigh while squatting. shows the deep squatting posture. The following parameter were measure in two groups, The straight leg raise (SLR), The Heel-buttock distance (HBD), The modified finger floor distance (MFFD), The modified Thomas tests, Ankle dorsiflexion flexibility. To examine the possible differences between the two squatting groups regard to each test parameters the Mann-Whitney u test (if the distribution of the data is not normal) was used. The dependent variables for the deep squatting posture were analyzed by step wise linear discriminate analysis to determine their relative importance for differentiating between the two groups. The dependent variables for the deep squatting posture are hip flexibility, knee flexibility, trunk flexibility, flexibility of hip and pelvis and ankle dorsiflexion flexibility. The possible deep squatting group shows increase in ankle dorsiflexion flexibility than the impossible deep squatting posture. Thus deep squatting posture is easy and objective method to measure the ankle joint dorsiflexion flexibility.
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