The 1982 Film Awards Competition was hosted by the NCFR central office in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Screenings were conducted the week of April 12-16, and 125 individuals from various professional organizations and universities volunteered their time and expertise to participate as selection committee members. The ongoing intent of the Family Life Film Awards is to recognize and endorse quality productions which enhance the study of the family, to promote the effective use of film resources, and to encourage high standards in cinematic endeavor. An interpreter for the deaf was provided during the screening of the entry category Special Needs/Social Services, one of the eleven categories included in this year's event. The remaining categories included Human Development Throughout the Family Life Cycle, Parenting, Non-traditional Family Systems, Family Process and Intrafamilial Communication, Sexuality and Sex Role Development, Marital Issues, Human Reproduction/Family Planning, Family Stress, Contemporary Issues and Their Impact on Family Life, and a Miscellaneous Related Topics category. The criteria for the selection of award winners were established as follows: The integrity and relevance of the content, the aesthetic quality of the production and its appeal to various audiences, and the effectiveness of content delivery. Each film received an overall numerical rating from each evaluator on the basis of a scale of 1-12. Any entry receiving a
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