We find the full interacting Lagrangian and Hamiltonian for quantum strings in a near plane wave limit of AdS4 × \( \mathbb{C} \) P 3. The leading curvature corrections give rise to cubic and quartic terms in the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian that we compute in full. The Lagrangian is found as the type IIA Green-Schwarz superstring in the light-cone gauge employing a superspace construction with 32 grassmann-odd coordinates. The light-cone gauge for the fermions is non-trivial since it should commute with the supersymmetry condition. We provide a prescription to properly fix the κ-symmetry gauge condition to make it consistent with light-cone gauge. We use fermionic field redefinitions to find a simpler Lagrangian. To construct the Hamiltonian a Dirac procedure is needed in order to properly keep into account the fermionic second class constraints. We combine the field redefinition with a shift of the fermionic phase space variables that reduces Dirac brackets to Poisson brackets. This results in a completely well-defined and explicit expression for the full interacting Hamiltonian up to and including terms quartic in the number of fields.
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