The article examines the typology of syntactic connection in a simple sentence complicated by specific constructions. In syntactic science, the question of syntactic connections is important, because they provide a combination of words that are involved in the formation of sentences. The purpose of the article is to determine the typology of the syntactic connection of specific constructions. Syntactic specifies, as N. Fomina notes, are explanatory constructions, refinement members of the sentence, substantive constructions, homogeneous members of the sentence with a prepositive generalization word, and other adjacent semantic-syntactic phenomena. This is a two-component construction in which the first component needs an explanation or limitation of its value, while the other one expresses or identifies, or more narrow, specific value of the first component. It is necessary to find out with which syntactic links these components are combined. Some linguists believed that this was a subordinate link (O. Peshkovsky), a coordinated connection (L. Chesnokova, Yu. Ledeniov) or a special explanatory connection (I. Slinko, N. Guivanyuk, M. Kobylyanska), others emphasized that the specificity of the connection is revealed in stress, intonation and punctuation (I. Ashmarina, M. Shatukh). A. Pryatkina observes that the syntactic nature of the explanatory relations is so peculiar that it can not be described only within the framework of one concept — coordination or subordination. In Ukrainian linguistics, attention is drawn to a certain subtype of subordination, and it is called an indirect subordination. One of the first peculiarities of the indirect syntactic connection was proved by I. Vykhovanets. An indirect subordination is characterized by the syntactic inequality of the sentence members connected to it, one of which (dependent) is subordinate to the reference, on the one hand, and through the mediation of the reference relates to the third member or the predicative core, for which the semantic-syntactic functions of the reference and dependent components are coordinated, combined by indirect subordination, on the other hand. According to scientists, the types of subordination typical for this type of means of expressions are conjunctions that is and or, the fixed component order, and so on. Consequently, the specific constructions with the grammatical basis of the sentence is combined, as determined by the linguist, by an indirect subordination. Although there are other views about connection — application, double syntactic connection. This question is not completely determined, therefore, it requires further thorough study.
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