Quantitative finance is a field of applied research where the data is important information investors’ profitability and financial risk of financial assets in the processes of decision-making. And financial institutions and securities have applied big-data technologies in stock market to exploit useful information for investors using mobile stock-trading apps. The standardization of database from the raw data of companies’ financial statements, statistical reports and stock-trading data support to enhance data mining analysis by predictive patterns with high feasibility for useful information for investors’ decision-making. And quantitative tools of predictive patterns for financial advanced indexes test expected market return and favourable market timing for buying or selling stocks in stages of market cycle and prediction of market risk before market-trend crash. On the development of securities’ mobile stock-trading apps, the addition of new advanced indexes increases the quality of stock-trading information in Vietnamese stock market generally, seeks competitive advantages of market segments for securities particularly when they change big-data technology in mobile stock-trading apps. This contribution has a better using FinTech combined with stock-trading algorithms to provide more useful and confident information of optimal profitability and financial risk management that individual and institutional investors catch up the trend of big-data technology.
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