Gross low temperature plastic deformation of metals results from the movement of large numbers of dislocations. This movement is characterized by dislocation-dislocation interaction events statistically distributed in time and space and by the continuing trend of the dislocation density to rearrange into low energy configurations. The various approaches proposed to link flow stress and strain hardening with the evolving substructure may be grouped into families, emphasizing one or the other of those aspects. The first examines possible low energy dislocation configurations and derives the observed flow stress and strain hardening from the characteristics of the proposed dislocation architecture. The second phase relates flow stress evolution to the kinetics of dislocation movement, i.e. the build-up of the substructure as resulting from successive interaction events. The two approaches have been developed independently. It is the aim of the present paper to examine to what extent experimental observations fit into the framework of the existing models (the “kinetic” model being somewhat modified by an addition proposed in this paper) and to what extent the models are complementary in covering different aspects of the one same truth or are mutually exclusive.
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