Aims: To evaluate growth attributes of potato under natural farming system in gird region of Madhya Pradesh.
 Study Design: Randomized complete block design.
 Place and Duration of Study: ICAR-Central Potato Research Institute- RS, research farm Gwalior during winter (Rabi) season of 2022-2023.
 Methodology: Selected 5 plants from each treatment and replicated 3 times. Then follows methods as per given in materials and methods section of paper. Treatments T1: Control, T2: Inorganic practices (standard technology), T3: NADEP compost @ 25 t/ha + Azotobacter @ 1L/ha + PSB (Phosphorus solublizing bacteria) @ 1L/ha, T4: T3+ FYM @ 25 t/ha, T5: T3 + Vermicompost @ 7.5 t/ha, T6: T3+ neem cake @ 5 t/ha + foliar spray of copper oxychloride @ 3 g/L, T7: Integrated practice [90% RDF through inorganic sources {urea, SSP, MOP}, 10% RDF through organic sources i.e., FYM @ 25 t/ha.
 Results: Results revealed that treatment T7 found better for growth parameters of potato i.e., maximum plant emergence percentage (92.88%), maximum plant height (50.250 cm and 73.700 cm at 50 DAP and at harvest, respectively), highest number of stems (6.35 and 6.89 at 50 DAP and at harvest) per plant, Highest number of compound leaves (47.950 and 58.250 at 50 DAP and at harvest), Highest fresh haulm weight (0.245 kg and 0.382 kg at 50 DAP and at harvest), highest dry haulm weight (21.80 g and 25.20 g at 50 DAP and at harvest), tuber yield (48.78 kg/plot) and lowest values found in treatment T1 – Control.
 Conclusion: It is concluded that treatment T7 - Integrated practice [90% RDF through inorganic sources {urea, SSP, MOP}, 10% RDF through organic sources i.e., FYM @ 25 t/ha] found better than other treatments for growth parameters and yield of potato growing in grid region of Madhya Pradesh.
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