Emission, luminescence excitation spectra and photoluminescence spectra at high pressure of LiNbO 3 crystal doped with 0.5% Pr 3+ are presented. Hydrostatic pressure up to 135kbar was applied with a diamond anvil cell (DAC). We observed the small red shift of the luminescence related to 1 D 2 → 3 H 4 transition equal to 0.08nm/kbar. Additionally, at higher pressure, the 1 D 2 emission was considerably quenched and its lifetime was shortened. This was explained as being due to the decrease of the energy of the exciton bound to the Pr 3+ ion with increasing pressure and nonradiative depopulation of the 1 D 2 state. Full Text: PDF References H. Laro, M. Voda, F. Jaque, J.E. Munoz-Santiuste, J. Garcia-Sole, "Polarized absorption of Nd 3+ in LiNbO 3 : Effect of MgO codoping", J. Appl. Phys. 77, 5929 (1995) [CrossRef] A. Lorenzo, L.E. Bausa, J. Garcia-Sole, "Optical spectroscopy of Pr 3+ ions in LiNbO 3 ", Phys. Rev. B. 51, 16643 (1995) [CrossRef] A. Lorenzo, E. Camarllo, H.S. Maurrieta, S. Alvarez, V.G. Hemandez, M. Voda, F. Jaque, J. Garcia-Sole, "Optical spectroscopy of Dy 3+ ions in LiNbO 3 ", Opt. Matter. 5, 251 (1996) [CrossRef] M. Malinowski, P. Myziak, R. Piramidowicz, I. Pracka, T. Łukasiewicz, B. Surma, S. Kaczmarek, K. Kopczyński, Z. Mierczyk, "Spectroscopic and laser properties of LiNbO 3 :Dy 3+ crystals", Acta Phys. Pol. 90, 181 (1996) A. Lorenzo, L.E. Bausa, J.A. Sanz, J. Garcia-Sole, "Optical absorption intensities and fluorescence dynamics of Ho 3+ ions in LiNbO 3 ", J. Phys.: Cond. Matter 8, 5781 (1996) [CrossRef] J. Amin, B. Dusardier, T. Schweizer, M. Hempsead, "Spectroscopic analysis of Er 3+ transitions in lithium niobate", J. Lumin. 69,17 (1966) [CrossRef] L. Nunez F. Cusso, "Polarized absorption and energy levels of LiNbO 3 :Tm and LiNbO 3 (MgO):Tm", J. Phys.: Cond. Matter. 5, 5301 (1993) [CrossRef] Z. Łuczyński, T. Łukasiewicz, I. Pracka, B. Surma, M. Malinowski, "Emission properties of LiNbO 3 :Tm 3+ ", J. Appl. Spectr. 62, 66 (1995) A. Lorenzo, H. Jaffrezic, B. Roux, G. Boulon, L.E. Bausia, J. Garcia-Sole, "Lattice location of Pr3+ ions in LiNbO 3 ", Phys. Rev. B 52, 6278 (1995) [CrossRef] R. Piramidowicz, I. Pracka, W. Woliński, M. Malinowski, "Blue-green emission of Pr 3+ ions in LiNbO 3 ", J. Phys.:Cond Matter 12, 709 (2000) [CrossRef] J.E. Munoz-Santiuste, A. Lorenzo, L.E. Bausa, J. Garcia-Sole, "Crystal field and energy levels of Pr 3+ centres in LiNbB 3 ", J. Phys.: Cond Matter 10, 7653 (1998) [CrossRef] D.S. McClure, C. Pedrini, "Excitons trapped at impurity centers in highly ionic crystals", Phys. Rev. B 32, 8465 (1985) [CrossRef] W. Gryk, B. Kukliński, M. Grinberg, M. Malinowski, "High pressure spectroscopy of Pr 3+ in LiNbO 3 ", J. Alloy. Comp. 380, 230 (2004) [CrossRef] W. Gryk, D. Dyl, M. Grinberg, M. Malinowski, "High pressure photoluminescence study of Pr 3+ doped LiNbO 3 crystal", Phys. Stat. Sol. C 2, 188 (2005) [CrossRef]
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