Remediation of mariculture wastewater is of great practical importance. In this study, sediment microbial fuel cells (SMFCs) were adopted and carbon felt anodes were modified to enhance COD and ammonia removal in mariculture system. The results showed that the SMFC anode with 5 % (w/w) graphene oxide (GO) coating performed best in pollutants removal and electricity generation. The maximum power density approached 132 mW/m2, nearly 4.5 times higher than the unmodified anode. The removal efficiency of COD and ammonia reached 82.1 % and 95.8 % respectively, both improved compared with the control and chemical modification. The modified anode effectively enriched the electrogenic Sulfurovum and Lactobacillus and thus led to a significant improvement in the electrochemical performance of SMFC. This study demonstrates the successful application of SMFCs with GO modified anodes in the in-situ removing pollutants and SMFCs present obvious remediation potential on the contaminated mariculture inhabitant.
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