The aim of the work is to theoretically substantiate and experimentally test the effectiveness of the experimental methodology for developing 5th grade pupils’ coordination abilities by means of dodgeball game. Material and methods. The pedagogical experiment was conducted at Romny Secondary School of I-III degrees No. 5 of the Romny City Council at Sumy region. The pedagogical experiment involved 29 pulils of 5th grade, who were divided into a control group (CG, n=14, 5-A grade) and an experimental group (EG, n=15, 5-B grade). The duration of the pedagogical experiment was from January to May 2024. Pupils of both CG and EG had Physical Education classes twice a week according to the Model Educational Program "Physical Culture. Grades 5-6" for secondary education institutions (Pedan et al., 2022). The variable module "Dodgeball" was used in both groups (CG and EG) during Physical Education classes at the beginning of the main part of the lesson (up to 10 minutes). An experimental program was developed for EG pupils, it incorporated the movement game dodgeball into the educational process of the secondary education institution. Research methods included analysis of scientific and methodological literature, a pedagogical experiment, and control tests: shuttle run (3x10 m) from the initial position facing forward; tennis ball throwing for distance (from legs apart stance); ball handling by hand while running with changes of direction (according to the methodology of Serhienko L.P. (2001)); and methods of mathematical statistics. Results. At the beginning of the pedagogical experiment, it was studied the initial level of 5th grade pupils’ coordination abilities in CG and EG. After testing, it was identified the general level of 5th grade pupils’ coordination abilities development: in CG, 2 pupils (14%) had a high level, 6 pupils (43%) had an average level and 6 pupils (43%) had a low level; in EG, 3 pupils (20%) had a high level, 6 pupils (40%) had and average level and 6 pupils (40%) had a low level. The experimental methodology for developing 5th grade pupils’ coordination abilities by means of dodgeball game was implemented in all forms of physical culture and health work in general secondary education institution: during Physical Education lessons (module "Dodgeball"), and during various forms of physical culture and health work (breaks, dynamic hours, relays, competitions). It was organized forms of physical culture and health work during the educational process in general secondary education institution using the movement game dodgeball (daily): during a movement break between the 1st and 2nd lessons (conducting the movement game dodgeball with simplified rules); during the long movement break between the 3rd and 4th lessons; and after lessons during dynamic hour. During Physical Education lessons, the dodgeball game (module "Dodgeball") was used in combination with other modules. At the end of the pedagogical experiment, it was determined the general level of development of 5th grade pupils’ coordination abilities: in CG, 3 pupils (21%) had a high level of coordination abilities, 6 pupils (43%) had an average level, and 5 pupils (36%) had a low level; in EG, 6 pupils (40%) had a high level of coordination abilities, 6 pupils (40%) had an average level, and 3 pupils (20%) had a low level. There are significant differences between CG and EG. It was observed the positive dynamics in the development of coordination abilities in CG pupils. This fact can be explained by natural progress in physical qualities and due to Physical Education lessons conducted according to the educational program. Changes in EG indicators are significant and occurred due to the implementation of the experimental methodology for developing 5th grade pupils’ coordination abilities by means of dodgeball game. Conclusions. The pedagogical experiment was conducted within the established timeframe, its content was fully realized and we got positive results. Systematic, targeted work on developing 5th grade pupils’ coordination abilities by means of dodgeball game was carried out during Physical Education lessons and various forms of physical culture and health work. Test results at the end of the pedagogical experiment proved the effectiveness of the experimental methodology and confirming the practical significance of the conducted research.
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