Needlestick exposures commonly occur with non-disposable metal syringes during the assembly and disassembly of needles due to the manual handling of needles. Disposable syringes are designed to reduce these exposures by using a protective sheath thus eliminating the need to handle needles while uncapping and recapping them. This pilot study compared the two syringes with two alternating groups of third-year (D3) students during clinical practice under faculty supervision to administer local anesthesia to live patients. In 2023, two groups of Year 3 (D3) Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) students supervised by faculty in each group alternated over two 4-week sessions using disposable (N=67) and non-disposable (N=66) syringes to administer local anesthesia injections to live patients. At the end of each session, each group and supervising faculty completed a survey to capture their experience. While two participants reported needlestick injuries using non-disposable syringes and no injuries incurred using disposable syringes, we found neither a statistically significant increase nor decrease in exposures related to needlesticks using either syringe. Statistically significant outcomes showed that the participants found the non-disposable easier to use and they were more likely to use it going forward than the disposable syringe. Participants preferred using the non-disposable syringe mainly because of the stability and familiarity aspects of prior education. The disposable syringe, while easier and safer to assemble and disassemble, felt less stable to use during the injection procedure, especially during aspiration. While safety continues to be a concern, students and faculty prefer non-disposable metal syringes over disposable syringes. Most dissatisfaction with using the disposable syringe came from the aspiration system. But prior experience and comfort using non-disposable metal syringes, a lack of experience and confidence with local anesthesia procedures and a lack of experience with disposable syringes, may have contributed to these outcomes. Despite usability issues with the disposable syringe, performance was more impacted by lack of experience than the type of syringe used. Introducing both syringes early into the curriculum may help overcome usability factors, further reduce needlestick exposures, and prepare students for different workplace environments. Providing adequate training for faculty, especially on the differences between the two syringes, such as aspiration, will help alleviate discomfort and better promote the use of both.
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