\'Ve consider a baryon and a family of baryonium states m the dual unitarization scheme taking account of topological structures; a baryon has a Y shaped structure with a string junction at the center and baryonium states denoted by iJ,, M, and }IJ, have a pair of junction and antijunction. Coupled channel bootstrap equations are given for the baryonic and meeoonic reggeons and for the pomeron. The breaking of the exchange degeneracy between the iJ and /3 trajectories of baryons is given through a non-planar diagram with a twisted meson bridge between two membranes swept by strings; we have a.;,-aNp~O.l. The intercepts of the family of baryonium states are that aM.(±)<aM,(±)<a.,,,( +)<aM,(-), where (±) denote charge conjugation parity, and the triple-reggeon couplings iJnNI1\Il are shown to be g' (iJ,<±l 1\IIM) <g'(fVI,<±l N£1\4.) <o' (.A/f,<+J },11\ll) <o' (fVJ,<-l j'vJ.f'vf), where lvf denotes an ordinary natural parity meson: The ratio g (iVJ, <-l 1\111\11) : (} (lVJ, H BE) =1: 2 is encouraging to the idea that the difficulty of the 'o extinction can be remedied by the existence of the ]\1, (-).
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