To investigate whetherworking memory and visual processing havethe same role or differentrolesin A/B and A/not A prototype category learning,the present study adoptedan A/Bor A/not A category learningtask in control and dual conditions. The results of Experiment 1 showed that an additional dual visual working memory taskrather thanadualverbal working memory task reduced accuracy of the A/B task, whereasnodual tasksinfluencedaccuracy of the A/not A task. The results of Experiment 2 revealed that an additionaldual visual processing task impairedaccuracy of the A/B task, whereas the dual visual processing task did not influence accuracy of the A/not Atask. These results indicate that visual working memory and visual processing play different roles in A/B and A/not A prototype category learning, andsupport that thesetwo types of prototype category learning are mediated by differentmemory systems.
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