The GVH is a frequent complication of bone marrow transplantation (BMT) leading to a multi organ immune-mediated pathology. Its endocrine effects are difficlt to analyze in human pathology as BMT requires multiple regimen preparation frequently including radiotherapy. An avian model has been developped to more precisely investigate the endocrine complications of GVH. GVH was elicited on 9-day old chicken embryos by adult histo compatible spleen graft on the chorio allantoic membrane. The intensity of GVH was evaluated by the alteration of the embryo spleen. Adrenals from control and allografted animals were perifused (Endotronics, USA) during 2 hours and fractions collected every 10 minutes. In the controls, corticosterone production was constant during the perifusion period. Maximal corticosterone response occurs within 10-20 minutes after the injection of 1-24 ACTH. The optimal ACTH dose was 0.5 ug/ml. The adrenals of GVH animals shown basal secretion (6.0 ± 2.2 ng/ml/100 mg/10 mn) similar to the control. The maximal response to ACTH was constantly delayed (peak at the 20-30 minutes fraction) and significantly reduced compared to the control (400 % vs 900 % of the basal values). The present data favor adrenal resistance to ACTH. Such a resistance has been previously found in the thyroid on the same model. The exact mechanisms of this is presently under closer investigation.
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