Motivated by recent optical measurements on a number of strongly correlated electron systems, we revisit the dependence of the conductivity of a Fermi liquid $\ensuremath{\sigma}(\ensuremath{\Omega},T)$ on the frequency $\ensuremath{\Omega}$ and temperature $T$. Using the Kubo formalism and taking full account of vertex corrections, we show that the Fermi-liquid form $\mathrm{Re}{\ensuremath{\sigma}}^{\ensuremath{-}1}(\ensuremath{\Omega},T)\ensuremath{\propto}{\ensuremath{\Omega}}^{2}+4{\ensuremath{\pi}}^{2}{T}^{2}$ holds under very general conditions, namely, in any dimensionality above one, for a Fermi surface of an arbitrary shape (but away from nesting and van Hove singularities), and to any order in the electron-electron interaction. We also show that the scaling form of $\mathrm{Re}{\ensuremath{\sigma}}^{\ensuremath{-}1}(\ensuremath{\Omega},T)$ is determined by the analytic properties of the conductivity along the Matsubara axis. If a system contains not only itinerant electrons but also localized degrees of freedom which scatter electrons elastically, e.g., magnetic moments or resonant levels, the scaling form changes to $\mathrm{Re}{\ensuremath{\sigma}}^{\ensuremath{-}1}(\ensuremath{\Omega},T)\ensuremath{\propto}{\ensuremath{\Omega}}^{2}+b{\ensuremath{\pi}}^{2}{T}^{2}$, with $1\ensuremath{\le}b<\ensuremath{\infty}$. For purely elastic scattering, $b=1$. Our analysis implies that the value of $b\ensuremath{\approx}1$, reported for ${\mathrm{URu}}_{2}{\mathrm{Si}}_{2}$ and some rare-earth-based doped Mott insulators, indicates that the optical conductivity in these materials is controlled by an elastic scattering mechanism, whereas the values of $b\ensuremath{\approx}2.3$ and $5.6$, reported for underdoped cuprates and organics, correspondingly, imply that both elastic and inelastic mechanisms contribute to the optical conductivity.
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