Abstract This corpus‑based paper explores the history and present status of the contrast between noun‑dependent that‑clauses and ‘complex’ gerunds containing their own subjects. With seven of the fifteen nouns under scrutiny, the emergence of the that‑clause either follows that of the gerund or the two complement types emerge at about the same time. This suggests that we will have to qualify the general assumption that since the eighteenth century English has promoted non‑finite subordinate clauses at the expense of finite ones. More crucially, with by far most of the nouns investigated, the that‑clause has gained much further ground over the last few centuries, with American English spearheading this development since the early nineteenth century. In line with the Complexity Principle, the grammatical environments favouring the more explicit that‑clause over the complex gerund include subject complexity and different types of structural discontinuity. Intriguingly, however, the easy‑to‑process there‑clause containing the nouns in question is also found to favour the that‑clause at the expense of the complex gerund.
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