The paper gives a brief review of chemical reactions and equilibria which occur in hydrothermal Experimental work, reacting rocks and water at high temperature, has shown that it is not always necessary to postulate a magmatic fluid origin for chemicals in natural hot waters. Only a few elements in waters, such as Cl, B, Cs, are not involved to any great extent in temperature and pressure dependent chemical equilibria with rock minerals. These elements are useful in identifying and following flows of particular waters within a field. From knowledge of acid-base equilibria, the pH of hot water at deep levels can be obtained, and also the variation in pH with time during drillhole production. Combined with metal ion concentrations, the pH enables an interpretation in terms of water chemistry of mineral alteration assemblages, including the tendency for calcite formation. Phase diagrams, using ratios αN a/α H, α x/α H, α Ca/α 2 H, α M g /α 2 H, etc., as parameters show how mineral assemblages in hydrothermally altered rock change as waters cool and lose carbon dioxide on approaching the surface. As equilibrium exists between hot water and rock minerals at deep levels, the silica concentrations and Na/K ratios in waters flowing rapidly to the surface given an accurate measure of the deep temperature. Also, the pH of deep hot water is a function of the water salinity, except in areas where waters contact sulfur deposits. It is shown that calcium concentration in thermal waters, for a given temperature, is approximately proportional to the square of sodium ion concentrations. Estimates of m CO2 in underground waters can be made through knowledge of any two of the variables, salinity, calcium concentration, and bicarbonate concentration in surface discharges. The concentration of carbon dioxide in deep hot water is the factor determining whether or not waters will deposit calcite in drillpipes. With increasing m CO2, calcium carbonate replaces minerals such as wairakite and epidote as the equilibrium calcium phase in the rock. An outline is given of isotope exchange equilibria which can be used for determining temperatures at depth in a field. Oxygen and sulfur isotope exchange, both between solutes, and between solutes and minerals, are the most promising in this respect. Base metal sulfide deposits are not limited to hydrothermal areas of highly saline waters. Minerals such as galena, sphalerite, and chalcopyrite are found at deep levels in the Broadlands geothermal field of dilute chloride waters, while at the surface in the area precipitates of antimony and arsenic sulfides rich in gold, silver, thallium, and mercury are formed from spring and drillhole waters.
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