The perturbation theory of Waller and Foster (WF) for hydrogenic lines of neutral Helium is generalized in order to take into account an external magnetic field H having an arbitrary angle with respect to an external constant electric field F . The diagonal correction has been evaluated numerically, taking into account recent experimental data. A FORTRAN IV program written for the CDC 3600 computer allows the calculation of the displacements and the intensities for any hydrogenic transition. Special attention is given to the n' = 2 → n = 4 and n' = 2 → n = 5 transitions in neutral helium. The corresponding spectral components were studied carefully for parallel and perpendicular fields. The calculated displacements are in excellent agreement with those determined experimentally. Concerning the intensities of the components, the calculations confirm Foster's observations, namely, that the intensities become asymmetric if magnetic and electric interactions are of comparable strengths, and that there exist a strong mutual interaction between the components for perpendicular fields. In the latter case, the asymmetry increases with increasing orbital quantum number l. The shift and intensity of some spectral components belonging to the He I-transitions {2–4} ortho, {2–5} ortho, {2–4} para, and {2–5} para are given in graphical form for the three constant electric field strengths: 5, 50 and 100 kV/cm, with the magnetic field strength ranging from 0,2 kΓ to 80 kΓ. Due to the large number of possible spectral components, the graphical representation is restricted to components being polarized perpendicular to both the electric and magnetic fields. In two tables, experimental and theoretical shifts of the components belonging to the transitions 2 3 P → 5 3 S, 5 3 P, 5 3 D, 5 3 F and 5 3 G, and 2 1 P → 5 1 S, 5 1 D , 5 1 F, and 5 1 G have been listed, thus permitting a numerical comparison of our theoretical calculations with the experimental results of Foster and Pounder ( H = 25.8 kV, F = 64 kV/cm, H ⊥ F ) and Lebowsky and Steubing ( H = 32 kΓ, F = 13.9 kV /cm, H ⊥ F ). In graphs and tables, all shifts are counted from the unperturbed transitions 2 P–4 D or 2 P–5 D, respectively. These numerical results will be used later to calculate the profiles of Stark broadened lines in the presence of magnetic fields in plasmas.
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