LetEandFbe locally convex spaces overCand letP(nE;F)be the space of all continuousn-homogeneous polynomials fromEtoF. We denote by⨂n,s,πEthen-fold symmetric tensor product space ofEendowed with the projective topology. Then, it is well known that each polynomialp∈P(nE;F)is represented as an element in the spaceL(⨂n,s,πE;F)of all continuous linear mappings from⨂n,s,πEtoF. A polynomialp∈P(nE;F)is said to beof weak typeif, for every bounded setBofE,p|Bis weakly continuous onB. We denote byPw(nE;F)the space of alln-homogeneous polynomials of weak type fromEtoF. In this paper, in case thatEis a DF space, we will give the tensor product representation of the spacePw(nE;F).
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