The article analyzed regulatory documents of Ukraine, which regulate the issues of determining the professional qualification requirements for employees, and find out that these documents establish requirements that are non-systemic and can be applied to any managerial position. The author proposes, taking into account the tendencies of the development of the public service system, to identify seven types of competencies of public servants: political, legal, economic, social, psychological, managerial, moral and ethical. Political competence and moral legitimacy implies an understanding of the nature of the basic social functions and organizational structure of the modern state, the principles and forms of democracy, the nature of the interaction between different branches of government, the role of political parties in the life of society. Legal (legal) competence of civil servants is formed in the course of basic vocational training, which relates to the main branches of law and is based on the skills of its professional application in various spheres of activity. Economic competence is differentiated depending on the specialization of civil servants and within the framework of a general for all level should include an assessment of the ability to apply a comparative analysis of key economic concepts. Sociological competence is related to the awareness of civil servants of the concept of the social structure of modern society, its dynamics and its impact on political and socio-economic processes. Psychological competence is the basis for effective communication contacts, when it is necessary to understand people, their interests, motives and intentions, to find an individual approach to them. Management competence includes knowledge of management methods, value-orientation regulation, integrated management of labor motivation, development of creative potential, etc.
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