Playing non-violent video games has been shown to reduce perceived levels of stress (Pallavicini et al., 2021). Does this effect also apply to violent game content? As findings suggest a particular preference for such games among people with certain personality traits, such as the Dark Tetrad (i.e., Machiavellianism, everyday sadism, subclinical psychopathy, and narcissism; e.g., Bonfá-Araujo et al., 2022; Greitemeyer, 2015; Greitemeyer & Sagioglou, 2017) do these traits influence the stress they feel? In the present lab experiment, potential stress-reducing effects of violent and non-violent video games were compared to a control condition (solving a jigsaw puzzle). Cortisol levels, heart rate variability (HRV), and self-reported stress levels were assessed before, during, and after gameplay. Irrespective of game condition, playing video game passages decreased cortisol levels, a typical indicator of stress. In addition, playing violent games led to a significant decrease in certain HRV indicators (i.e., ratio of low frequency power to high-frequency power), thus providing additional support for stress relief. In contrast, trying to solve a jigsaw puzzle did not result in stress reduction. Most results involving the Dark Tetrad traits showed null findings. However, participants with greater Dark Tetrad expressions experienced more relaxation after violent gameplay while showing greater stress reaction after trying to solve a jigsaw puzzle. The present results indicate that playing violent or non-violent video games can lead to physiological relaxation-an important finding for future research on the potential of video games for stress relief interventions.
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