We give a characterization of "classical" d-orthogonal polynomials through a vectorial functional equation. A sequence of monic polynomials { B n } n ≥ 0 is called d-simultaneous orthogonal or simply d-orthogonal if it fulfils the following d + 1-st order recurrence relation: [formula] with the initial conditions [formula] Denoting by { L n } n ≥ 0 the dual sequence of { B n } n ≥ 0 , defined by 〈 L n , B m 〉 = δ n, m, n, m ≥ 0, then the sequence { B n } n ≥ 0 is d-orthogonal if and only if [formula] for any integer α with 0 ≤ α ≤ d − 1. Now, the d-orthogonal sequence { B n } n ≥ 0 is called "classical" if it satisfies the Hahn′s property, that is, the sequence { Q n } n ≥ 0 is also d-orthogonal where Q n ( x) = ( n + 1) − 1 B′ n + 1 ( x), n ≥ 0 is the monic derivative. If Λ denotes the vector t ( L 0, L 1, ..., L d − 1 ), the main result is the following: the d-orthogonal sequence { B n } n ≥ 0 is "classical" if and only if, there exist two d × d polynomial matrices Ψ = (ψ ν, μ), Φ = (φ ν, μ), deg ψ ν, μ ≤ 1, deg φ ν, μ ≤ 2 such that Ψ Λ + D(Ψ Λ) = 0 with conditions about regularity (see below). Moreover, some examples are given.
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