The article examines the issue of changing the very paradigm and model of the information society. There was a need to ensure a balance between the dynamic changes occurring in nature and society, the entire environment, the increased amount of information, and the rapidly developing information and communication and information technologies. Information comes to the fore. The most important indicator of the information society is that each of its members has equal rights and opportunities to freely produce and timely receive any information that interests him, except for cases limited by law. The foundation of this process is the information culture of society. The concept of “information culture” was formed in the second half of the twentieth century in connection with close attention to the mechanisms and processes associated with information exchange. From the point of view of cultural studies, information culture characterizes culture in terms of information which has been accumulated, processed and transmitted within its framework. Information culture is an integral part of a broader concept, such as – «personal culture». Personal culture is defined as a system of personal qualities (mind, character, imagination, memory) recognized by the individual as values established and valued in society. This is in a broad sense. And in a narrow sense, it is the ability and need of a specialist to use available information opportunities for a systematic and conscious search for new knowledge, its interpretation and dissemination. This means that information culture should be seen as one of the aspects of cultural activity in general and therefore it is inextricably linked with the «second nature» (social nature) of a person and acts as a product of their mental abilities. Depending on the subject who acts as a carrier of information culture, the latter can be considered at three levels: information culture of the individual; information culture of individual community groups (a certain society, nation, age or professional group, etc.); information culture of society as a whole. Nowadays, the state's innovation policy and the introduction of new technologies require increasingly complex solutions aimed at the development and transformation of the techno environment and the whole world. It is possible that in the era of globalism and technicism, the approach seems legitimate. In our time of electronic technology and enormous opportunities, there is a temptation to feel like the Creator. When a person, guided by their knowledge and skills, the achievements of civilization, science and technology, allows themselves to decide their fate and create something new, even for themselves such living creature, then the question naturally arises about the mechanism for containing and regulating such inventions and research, which could lead to the death of humanity (the discovery of the neutron bomb, for instance). Therefore, the role of information culture, which manifests itself in human information ignorance, is great. By information behaviour we understand a course of action, a set of efforts made by a person to obtain, assimilate and use and create new knowledge, its transfer and dissemination in society. The information behaviour of specialists becomes the basis for social differentiation. Historically the causes of social inequality were associated with the origin and availability of civil rights, property and income, position in the social structure of society, but at present the level of information culture, manifested by information behaviour, becomes a factor of hierarchy. Sustainable greening culture is a transition to an ecologically oriented culture, which enables a person to preserve their environment and survive physically and spiritually. The anthropological dimension of culture comes to the fore. Culture should ensure the integrity of a person, their health and happiness in conditions when many factors of scientific, technical and social development destroy this integrity, negatively affect the health of a person, and prevent the achievement of their happiness.
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