To develop consensus statements that clinicians can apply to standardize and optimize endotracheal aspirate culture (EAC) practices in hospitalized children with artificial airways who are being evaluated for a bacterial lower respiratory tract infection (LRTI). A modified Delphi consensus process with expert panelists. Panelists conducted a "pre-survey" to itemize respiratory signs of bacterial LRTI. Round 1 included a literature summary and electronic survey of 50 potential statements sent to all panelists. We surveyed panelist opinions using a 5-point Likert scale. We grouped the responses "agree" and "strongly agree" as agreement. Consensus was defined as statements reaching greater than 75% agreement. Round 2 was moderated by an independent expert in consensus methodology. Panelists convened in person in November 2023, discussed any statements not reaching consensus or statements with disagreement, were resurveyed, and finalized statements in real time. Electronic surveys and in-person meetings in Baltimore, MD. The BrighT STAR (Testing STewardship for Antibiotic Reduction) collaborative along with U.S.-based pediatric experts in critical care, cardiac critical care, infectious diseases, hospital medicine, otolaryngology, pulmonology, and clinical microbiology. None. Thirty-eight of 40 invited panelists completed round 1. Of 50 initial statements, 28 reached greater than 90% agreement, 16 had 75-89% agreement, and 6 had less than 75% agreement. Twenty-eight statements were finalized. Round 2 involved 37 panelists: 23 statements were discussed, of which 17 reached an agreement and 6 did not reach consensus. We concluded with 30 statements and 15 sub-statements, 37 of which had greater than 90% agreement. Final statements informed a clinical decision support algorithm. The BrighT STAR collaborative group achieved consensus for 45 clinical practice statements that can standardize EAC practices, including indications to consider for testing, reasons to defer, optimal specimen collection, and result interpretation. These statements offer a starting point for clinical decision support tools and diagnostic stewardship programs for EAC practices in patients with artificial airways.
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