The foundation of the constitutional order in Ukraine and the manifestation of a democratic society is defined by local self-government, through which the people’s right to power is realized. At the same time, the constitutional principles of the activity of local self-government bodies grant territorial communities the right to independently address local matters within the framework of the Constitution and laws of Ukraine. In this context, the implementation of international cooperation between local communities and foreign partners is one of the priorities of the activities of local self-government bodies and their associations in the current conditions. International territorial cooperation manifests itself through communication and the deepening of contacts between local self-government bodies, government authorities, and the non-governmental sector, mutual visits of official delegations, and the signing of partnership agreements aimed at further attracting investments into the socio-economic development of the region, enhancing cooperation in the humanitarian field, and helping to solve urgent problems of the regions related to the Russian military aggression against Ukraine. In this regard, an important role is played by the participants in international territorial cooperation, including legal and physical persons, associations of local self-government bodies, their unions, other public organizations, and individuals participating in international territorial cooperation within their interests and rights as defined by national legislation. Today, international territorial cooperation allows for the implementation of joint activities in the economic and humanitarian sectors, contributing to strengthening ties between cultural and educational institutions, creating stable relations between communities, and enhancing their resilience in times of martial law. At the same time, cross-border cooperation is mostly locally focused, aimed at overcoming natural and administrative borders between countries to improve the quality of life for the local population and reduce disparities in the development of border areas compared to other regions of neighboring states.
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