Topologically interlocked structures are assemblies of interlocking blocks that hold together solely through contact. Such structures have been shown to exhibit high strength, energy dissipation, and crack arrest properties. Recent studies on topologically interlocked structures have shown that both the peak strength and work-to-failure saturate with increasing friction coefficient. However, this saturated structural response is only achievable with nonphysically high values of the friction coefficient. For beam-like topologically interlocked structures, non-planar blocks provide an alternate approach to reach similar structural response with friction properties of commonly used materials. It remains unknown whether non-planar blocks have similar effects for slab-like assemblies, and what the achievable structural properties are. Here, we consider slab-like topologically interlocked structures and show, using numerical simulations, that non-planar blocks with wave-like surfaces allow for saturated response capacity of the structure with a realistic friction coefficient. We further demonstrate that non-planar morphologies cause a non-linear scaling of the work-to-failure with peak strength and result in significant improvements of the work-to-failure and ultimate deflection — values that cannot be attained with planar-faced blocks. Finally, we show that the key morphology parameter responsible for the enhanced performance of non-planar blocks with wave-like surfaces is the local angle of inclination at the hinging points of the loaded block. These findings shed new light on topologically interlocked structures with non-planar blocks, allowing for a better understanding of their strengths and energy absorption.
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