One of the most important issues in future fusion power plants is the extraction of tritium generated in the breeders in order to achieve self-sufficiency. When the breeder is a liquid metal one of the most promising techniques is the Permeation Against Vacuum, whose principle is based on tritium diffusion through a permeable membrane in contact with the liquid metal carrier and its further extraction by a vacuum pump. A conceptual design of permeator has been developed, taking into account the features of a DEMO reactor with a Dual Coolant Lithium Lead (DCLL) breeder blanket. The study is based on the analysis of different membranes and geometries aiming at the overall efficiency (extraction capability) of the device, as well as its compatibility with the breeder material. The permeator is based on a rectangular section multi-channel distribution where the liquid metal channels and vacuum channels are alternated in order to maximize the contact area and therefore to promote tritium transport from the bulk to the walls. The resulting permeator design has an excellent estimated extraction efficiency, of 80%, in a relatively compact device.
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