During the last ten years or so a large number of papers in professional journals in economics dealing with dynamic optimization problems have been employing the modern version of the calculus of variations called optimal control theory. The central result in the theory is the well known Pontryagin maximum principle providing necessary conditions for optimality in very general dynamic optimization problems. These conditions are not, in general, sufficient for optimality. Of course, if an existence theorem can be applied guaranteeing that a solution exists, then by comparing all the candidates for optimality that the necessary conditions produce, we can in principle pick out an optimal solution to the problem. In several cases, however, there is a more convenient method that can be used. Suppose that a solution candidate suggests itself through an application of the necessary conditions, or possibly also by a process of informed guessing. Then, if we can prove that the solution satisfies suLfficiency conditions of the type considered in this paper, then these conditions will ensure the optimality of the solution. In such a case we need not go through the process of finding all the candidates for optimality, comparing them and finally appealing to all existence thieorem. In ordcle to get all idea of what types of conditions might be involved in such sufficiency theorems, it is natural to look at the corresponding problem in static optimization. Here it is well known that the first order calculus or Kulhn-TLcker conditions are sU11ficient for optimality, provided suitable concavity/convexity conditions are imposed on the functions involved. It is natural to expect that similar conditions might secure sufficiency also in dynamic optimization problems. Growth theorists were early aware of this and proofs of sufficienccy in particular problems were constructed; see, e.g., Uzawa's 1964 paper [19]. In the mathematical literature few and only rather special results were available until Mangasarian. in a 1966 paper [10] proved a rather general sufficiency theorem in which he was dealing with a nonlinear system, state and control variable constraints and a fixed time interval. In the maximization case, when there are no state space constraints, his result was, essentially, that the Pontryagin necessary conditions plus concavity of the Hamiltonian function with respect to the state and control variables, were sufficient for optimality. The Mangasarian concavity condition is rather strong and in many economic problems his theorem does not apply. Arrow [1] proposed an interesting partial
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