We propose a double cascade scheme for reducing the concentration of232, 234, 236U isotopes in regenerated uranium hexafluoride. In the product of the first ordinary cascade the greatest decrease in the236U /235U mass ratio with enrichment in235U to a concentration of less than 20% is provided. To ensure the required concentrations, a special mode of operation of the stages. In the second ordinary cascade, which is fed by the product of the first, enrichment in isotopes232,234U is performed. The waste flow, purified from232, 234U, is diluted to a concentration of235U less than 5%. A method for calculating the parameters of cascades with stage separation factors corresponding to gas centrifuges is presented. A computational experiment was carried out on its basis. It was shown that the product obtained after dilution with respect to isotopes232, 234U meets the requirements of the ASTM C996-20 specification for the low-enriched commercial grade of uranium hexafluoride. The content of236U in it is several times lower than in the case of direct enrichment of regenerated uranium hexafluoride.
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