With the continuous technological advancements in digital electronic circuit technology devices are becoming even more complex, it is essential that a high level of operational reliability is maintained which is why there is always a requirement for new and improved test methodologies. A fault condition in a digital circuit may be the result of a manufacturing problem causing physical imperfection in the device, this imperfection may be open circuit or short circuit connections, or a flaw that changes other characteristics of the device. The propagation of a gate may be affected introducing a delay defect into the circuit, often creating timing problems, which have always proved difficult to detect. This paper presents a new approach to the generation of test patterns that detect gross delay defects in combinational VLSI circuits. In O'Dare and Arslan [1] the authors presented a technique that implemented a genetic algorithm (GA) for the generation of test patterns to detect single stuck-at-faults in combinational VLSI circuits. In order to generate a test for delay faults it is necessary to create a transition in logical state at the fault site within the circuit, the only way to achieve this is by generating pairs of test patterns . The first test pattern initialises the state of all nodes within the circuit, the second test pattern is then used to force the required transition at the designated test node. The problem of test generation for delay faults is considerably more complex than that of test pattern generation for single stuck-at-faults presented in O'Dare and Arslan [1], with an increase in search space size from 2 n to 2 2n for an n input circuit. The problem is further augmented by the necessity of applying the two test patterns in a strict ordered sequence to create the required transition. The authors have therefore developed a new genetic test technique to overcome the problem, using chromosomes-pairs to represent the test patterns. The GAs primary component is a dynamically evolving Global Record Table (GRT), which is used to guide the search towards optimal test pairs in an otherwise complex solution space, producing a compact and efficient set of test pattern-pairs as the GA evolves. The experimental results presented in this paper are compared with other research results for well known combinational benchmark circuits.
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