Five new lichen products-the depsidones stenosporonic and divaronic acids and the meta-depsides hyperhomosekikaic, submerochlorophaeic, and subpaludosic acids--are reported from species of the Cladonia chlorophaea group and from the genera Neofuscelia, Parmelia, Ramalina and Physcidia. These compounds fill previously vacant positions in four chemically homologous series of depsidones and meta-depsides involving 3- and 5-carbon sidechains. The chemical struc- tures are based upon chromatographic correlations, and those of the depsidones are confirmed by mass spectrometry. In the lichen fungi natural-product variation is so closely correlated with morphological variation that chemical characters have been intimately involved in systematics for more than a century. In general, each morphotype is chemically constant throughout its range and upon all substrates. Chemistry con- sequently becomes a key character in even routine taxonomic identifications. In some morphotypes, however, multiple chemical races have evolved, producing a noncongruence of chemistry and form that is the source of controversy regarding the sig- nificance of natural-product variation as a marker of evolutionary divergence. Most chemically vari- able morphotypes consist of only a few chemotypes that may be characterized by biosynthetically closely related compounds. There are, however, a few ex- amples of morphs with many chemical races rep- resenting a broad spectrum of biosynthetic differ- ences. An analysis of morphotypes with such extensive chemical diversity should lead to an eval- uation of the relative significance of levels of chem- ical divergence. The Cladonia chlorophaea group, in the broadest sense in which this name has been applied, offers one of the most complex examples of natural-prod- uct differentiation among the lichen-forming fungi. In its worldwide distribution, which includes all continents except Antarctica, it consists of at least 14 major chemotypes. Its remarkable chemical di- versity involves some 35 secondary products dis- tributed among four major categories: 1) orcinol- type para-depsides, meta-depsides and depsidones; 2) a 3-orcinol para-depside and 3-orcinol depsi- dones; 3) the unique aliphatic ester bourgeanic acid;
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