With the decreasing price of microcomputers, their use as word processors to prepare manuscripts is on the increase. However, the author is still left with the tedious and error prone task of assembling a reference list of citations in the manuscript. This involves a manual search of the text for citations, alphabetizing the citations, and completing a reference for each item in the list. However, alphabetization is easily accomplished via a computerized sort, and since the same references appear in many different manuscripts, compilation of the reference list can be expedited by a computerized search of a master reference me. It is desirable to have the computer assemble a citation list and create a reference list automatically. Such a facility not only saves time but also insures greater accuracy of citations in a reference list. The programs described here, when used in conjunction with a word processor program such as SCRlPSIT, perform these functions with little user intervention. Program Description. The programs are written according to the syntax of Radio Shack Level II disk BASIC 1.1 and their editor-assembler. The first of these, REFLISTl, searches the text of a manuscript held in memory for the occurrence of citations following the American Psychological Association (APA) formatthat is, a name or list of names followed by a date. The search is implemented by an assembly language routine that is supervised by the BASIC program. Upon completion of the search, a disk file is created which contains all citations in the order in which they appear in the text. This me includes multiple references to the same work but does not include citations using et al. to indicate repetition. A second BASIC program, REFLIST2, serves three general functions: (l) It allows the user to edit the citation list created by REFLISTl so that errors in the text citations do not influence the alphabetization of the list: (2) it alphabetizes the corrected list, deleting multipl~ citations to the same source; (3) after creating a list of unique references, REFLIST2 searches a master reference file for each reference. These functions are described in more detail below. The editing feature allows the user to delete or modify references contained in the citation list. For exam: ple, if authors' names are misspelled or cited out of order, the reference can be corrected at this point. In
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