Abstract Five insecticides were evaluated as water based sprays applied directly into and at the burrow entrance only for control of cicada killer wasps on a golf course fairway. Ten active burrows were selected for treatment with each insecticide and marked with stake wire flags. Sprays were applied with a 1.5 gal compression sprayer. Five burrows were treated by inserting the spray nozzle about 1 inch into the burrow, releasing the spray solution and then applying a small amount of spray to excavated soil just outside the entrance as the nozzle was removed from the burrow. The second set of 5 burrows was treated by applying the spray only to the small area of excavated soil at the burrow entrance. The avg amt of spray used for treating all burrows ranged from 25 to 35 ml/burrow. Control evaluation was based on the absence of digging activity by wasps at treated burrows 3 DAT; untreated nearby burrows were checked for digging activity at the same time.
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