Behavioural and life history polymorphisms are often observed in animal populations. We analyse the timing of maturation and reproduction in risky and resource-limited environments. Field and laboratory evidence suggests that female voles and mice, for example, can adjust their breeding according to the level of risk to their own survival and to survival probabilities and recruitment of young produced under different environmental conditions. Under risky or harsh conditions breeding can be postponed until later in the current breeding season or even to the next breeding season. We develop a population dynamics and life history model for polymorphism in reproduction (co-existence of breeding and non-breeding behaviours) of females in an age-structured population, with two temporally distinct mating events within the breeding season. We assume that, after overwintering, the females can breed in spring and again in summer or they can delay breeding in spring and breed in summer only. Young females born in spring can either mature and breed in summer or stay immature and postpone breeding over the winter to the next breeding season. We show that an evolutionarily stable breeding strategy is either an age-structured combination of pure breeding behaviours (old females breed and young delay maturity) or a mixed breeding behaviour within age-classes (a fraction of females breed and the rest of the age class postpones breeding). Co-occurrence of mixed reproductive behaviour in spring and summer within a single breeding season is observed in fluctuating populations only. The reproductive patterns depend on intraspecific, possibly interspecific, and ecological factors. The density dependence (e.g. social suppression) and predation risk are shown to be possible evolutionary mechanisms in adjusting the relative proportions of the different but co-existing reproductive behaviours.
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