Previous article No AccessNotes and CommentsFuzzy Chaos: Reduced Chaos in the Combined Dynamics of Several Independently Chaotic PopulationsKlaus Rohde, Peter P. Rohde, and Associate Editor: Lenore FahrigKlaus RohdeSchool of Biological Sciences, University of New England, Armidale, New South Wales 2351, Australia*Corresponding author; e‐mail: [email protected]. Search for more articles by this author , Peter P. RohdeSchool of Biological Sciences, University of New England, Armidale, New South Wales 2351, Australia Search for more articles by this author , and Associate Editor: Lenore Fahrig Search for more articles by this author School of Biological Sciences, University of New England, Armidale, New South Wales 2351, AustraliaPDFPDF PLUSFull TextSupplemental Material Add to favoritesDownload CitationTrack CitationsPermissionsReprints Share onFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditEmail SectionsMoreDetailsFiguresReferencesCited by The American Naturalist Volume 158, Number 5November 2001 Published for The American Society of Naturalists Article DOI Views: 23Total views on this site Citations: 5Citations are reported from Crossref HistoryReceived October 6, 2000Accepted June 4, 2001 Keywordsfuzzy chaoschaosnonlinear dynamicsmetapopulationspopulation ecology© 2001 by The University of Chicago. PDF download Crossref reports the following articles citing this article:Puneet Sharma, Anima Nagar Topological dynamics on hyperspaces, Applied General Topology 11, no.11 (Apr 2010): 1–19. Jack Teng and Kevin S. McCann Dynamics of Compartmented and Reticulate Food Webs in Relation to Energetic Flows. J. Teng and K. S. McCann, The American Naturalist 164, no.11 (Jul 2015): 85–100. F. Magnago, Rodney C. Bassanezi Metapopulations Study with Subjective Biotic and Abiotic Processes, (Jan 2004): 733–740. M. J. Travis Neighbourhood size, dispersal distance and the complex dynamics of the spatial Ricker model, Population Ecology 45, no.33 (Dec 2003): 227–237. Rohde Ecology and biogeography of marine parasites, (Jan 2002): 1–83.
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