In this paper, we examine chaotic inflation within the context of the energy–momentum squared gravity (EMSG) focusing on the energy–momentum powered gravity (EMPG) that incorporates the functional f(T2)∝(T2)β in the Einstein–Hilbert action, in which β is a constant and T2≡TμνTμν where Tμν is the energy–momentum tensor, which we consider to represent a single scalar field with a power-law potential. We also demonstrate that the presence of EMSG terms allows the single-field monomial chaotic inflationary models to fall within current observational constraints, which are otherwise disfavored by Planck and BICEP/Keck findings. We show that the use of a non-canonical Lagrangian with chaotic potential in EMSG can lead to significantly larger values of the non-Gaussianity parameter, fNlequi whereas EMSG framework with canonical Lagrangian gives rise to results similar to those of the standard single-field model.
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