5578 Background: Clinical presentation and progression of uterine serous carcinoma (USC) often mimicks that of ovarian serous carcinoma (OSC), making the diagnosis difficult. The aim of this study is to compare characteristics of biomarker expression of USC to OSC. Methods: We evaluated all patients with FIGO stage III-IV USC and OSC, who underwent initial cytoreductive surgery between January 1, 1995, and March 31, 2008. Cases that received neoadjuvant chemotherapy were excluded. Patient demographics and clinico-pathologic data were abstracted from the medical records. Biomarker expression results were evaluated for mutation of p53 (m-p53), DNA profiling, multi-drug resistance gene-1 (MDR-1), estrogen receptor, and progesterone receptor. In-vitro drug resistance assay results were compared among platinum, taxane, cyclophosphamide, doxil, etoposide, gemcitabin, and topotecan (EDR Assay, Oncotech, Inc.). Results: There were 19 cases of USC and 185 cases of OSC identified. USC and OSC showed similar biomarker expressions except for the DNA index and expression of progesterone receptor. Biomarker expressions were: m-p53, 83.3% vs 68.7%, p = 0.28; DNA aneuploidity, 88.8% vs 80.8%, p = 0.53; DNA index, 1.7 (1.0–2.7) vs 1.5 (0.8–3.2), p = 0.044; S-phase fraction, 8.1% (3.1–19) vs 8.6% (0.3–19.2), p = 0.5; MDR-1, 33.3% vs 19.1%, p = 0.21; and estrogen receptor, 82.3% vs 82.9%, p = 1.0. Increased progesterone receptor expression was seen in USC compared to OSC (29.4% vs 9.2%, odds ratio 4.1, 95%CI 1.25–13.7, p = 0.028). In the in-vitro drug resistance assay, proportions of extreme drug resistance were similar in all tested drugs, including: cisplatin, 7.7% vs 7.2%, p = 0.5; carboplatin, 11.1% vs 9.5%, p = 0.3; paclitaxel 26.7% vs 23.5%, p = 1.0; doxil, 44.4% vs 33.9%, p = 0.69; and topotecan, 15.4% vs 18.5%, p = 1.0. Conclusions: Advanced uterine serous carcinoma was associated with increased expression of progesterone receptor compared to advanced ovarian serous carcinoma. The different expression potentially could be used to differentiate the two conditions and as a target in treatment therapies for uterine serous carcinoma. No significant financial relationships to disclose.
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