12 Background: Caregiver burden is defined as “the perception of stress and fatigue caused by the sustained effort required in caring for persons with chronic illness or other conditions with special needs for care”. It is a type of stress or strain experienced by caregivers, which is directly/ indirectly related to the challenges/problems they face as a result of the health status of the person cared for. Stucki et al. 2000, described the carers burden as “strain or load borne by a person who cares for a chronically ill, disabled, or elderly family member”. Caregiver burden is response to physical, psychological, emotional, social, and financial stressors associated with the caregiving in a multidimensional way. It is the psychosocial and physical reaction to the imbalance of demands placed on the caregiver by various factors, including personal time, multiple roles, physical and emotional states, financial resources, and formal care resources. The caregiver's perception of the burden, rather than the perception of other family members or healthcare providers, determines the impact of this burden on his or her life. Methods: Caregivers of elderly patients attending the geriatric and medical outpatient’s clinics at UCH completed a caregiver strain index scale, over a 2 month period. Demographic information regarding gender, age, were obtained and scaled questions were ticked. Data was analysed using IBM SPSS statistics 21. Results: Eighty-five participants completed the caregiver strain index scale. The socio-demographic data described age and gender. Most participants fell in the 31 - 40 and 41 - 50 age groups (41.2% for each group). Fifty-eight (68.2%) were females while 27 (31.8%) were males. Most common strain variable was demand on time with percentage 54.1% (46). Twenty-nine (34.1%) had moderate level of stress (4 - 6) , while 32 (37.6%) had mild level of stress, and 17 (20.0%) had high level of stress. One participant had the highest score index was 11 while 13 (15.3%) had scores of 3 and 13 (15.3%) had scores of 5. Conclusions: The study showed that caregivers of elderly patients have high burden in the demand on their time and need supportive/collaborative systems which includes palliative care to help with the task of caring for these elderly ones.
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