Carbamazepine (CBZ), a dibenzazepine, is a tricyclic compound used in the treatment of epilepsy, trigeminal neuralgia, and psychiatric mood disorders [1]. Serious adverse events have been reported for CBZ including Stevens–Johnson syndrome (SJS), toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN), and Drug Reaction with Eosinophilia and Systemic Symptoms [2,3]. Other types of hypersensitivity reactions are also associated with CBZ including mild skin rashes, fever, eosinophilia, and cross-reactions to other anticonvulsants. Up to 80% of patients who have an idiopathic drug reaction to CBZ drugs will also have an adverse reaction to other anticonvulsants, further restricting treatment options [4]. In addition to adverse events, lack of efficacy can also be a problem, with as many as 30% of patients with epilepsy experiencing drug-resistance [5,6]. The mechanisms by which these events occur are not entirely clear although several candidate pharmacogenes have been associated with CBZ treatment responses. Current methods to individualize treatment involve therapeutic drug monitoring, the measurement of drug metabolites in patient samples posttreatment, and subsequent dose adjustment. Although this provides an accurate view of the drug-response phenotype, it still risks adverse events and cross-sensitivity. The ability to identify the patients that will benefit from CBZ, not suffer adverse events and define dose before treatment would be a highly valuable clinical tool. Here we present the current knowledge of CBZ pharmacogenomics (PGx) as a gene centered view of the pharmacokinetics of CBZ (Fig. 1) and collate the gene variants associated with CBZ responses. Fig. 1 Stylized liver cell depicting candidate genes involved in the pharmacokinetics of carbamazepine (CBZ). A fully interactive version is available online at ... Pharmacokinetics CBZ is almost completely metabolized in the liver with only approximately 5% of the drug excreted un-changed [7]. The major route of metabolism is conversion to CBZ 10,11-epoxide (CBZ-E) [1]. This reaction is primarily catalyzed by CYP3A4 although CYP2C8 also plays a role, and involvement of CYP3A5 has also been suggested (Fig. 1) [1,8]. Minor metabolic pathways include ring-hydroxylation to form 2-hydroxy-CBZ (2-OH-CBZ) and 3-hydroxy CBZ (3-OH-CBZ). The formation of each presumably proceeds by an epoxide intermediate (referred to as an arene oxide intermediate), with CYP2B6 and CYP3A4, being the major catalysts of 3-OH-CBZ formation [1] and multiple CYPs involved in 2-OH-CBZ formation [9]. Secondary metabolism of 2-OH-CBZ and 3-OH-CBZ by CYP3A4 represent two distinct potential bioactivation pathways. CYP3A4-dependent secondary oxidation of 2-OH-CBZ leads to the formation of thiol-reactive metabolites by an iminoquinone intermediate [10], whereas CYP3A4-dependent secondary oxidation of 3-OH-CBZ results in the formation of reactive metabolites capable of inactivating CYP3A4 [1] and forming covalent adducts [11]. 3-OH CBZ, and to a lesser extent 2-OH CBZ and CBZ, can be metabolized to form radicals by myeloperoxidase [12]. This releases reactive oxygen species and may lead to the formation of protein adducts. Covalent binding and protein adduct formation has also been observed for another antiepileptic drug, phenytoin, and is generally considered to be a necessary step in the pathogenesis of idiosyncratic reactions to this class of compounds [12]. CBZ stimulates the transcriptional upregulation of genes involved in its own metabolism, with autoinduction of CYP3A4 and CYP2B6, by nuclear receptors NR1I2 (PXR) and NR1I3 (CAR) [13–15]. Drug–drug interactions through CYP3A4 [16] and CYP2B6 [17] are well documented and can complicate the use of CBZ in polytherapy. Some studies have suggested that glucuronidation is likely to play only a minor role in metabolism of CBZ and CBZ-E [7]. But other studies dispute the documenting involvement of UGT2B7 [18,19].
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