Analytical methods of calculation of thermal processes at welding enable to estimate operatively the influence of welding modes on parameters of a temperature field and to predict structural changes in a zone of thermal influence. In the mid-twentieth century it was suggested to calculate the heat processes in welded products with parallel boundary planes by summing up the temperature fields of the main and infinite number of fictitious point sources using thereflection method. However, due to computational difficulties, this method could not be brought to a state of wide practical application. Furthermore, since the schematization of heated bodies is conditional, the choice of the body scheme (plate, flat layer, semi-infinite body) and therefore the thermal calculation model is performed intuitively based on the accumulated experience. This uncertainty inevitably leads to discrepancy between the calculated and actual parameters of the thermal welding process. The purpose of this work is to adapt a model of thermal processes with a limited number of fictitious fast moving point sources to the calculation of thermal welding processes. The proposed model, solvable in Mathcad software, contains the equations of temperature field and temperature rate of change with account of the number
 of fictitious heat sources involved in the calculation. This model allows a reasonable limitation of the number of fictitious heat sources for providing the required accuracy of calculations, since as the fictitious heat sources move away from the product and their influence on the product heating decreases. In most cases for practical calculations 2 pairs of fictitious sources are enough for welding of 2 cm thick steel products, of 0.5 cm thick products ‒ 5 pairs, of 0.2 cm thick products ‒ 12 pairs. Comparison of the calculated values of the proposed model with actual temperature field measurements and known effects of cooling rate in the plate, plane layer and semi-infinite body within the accepted limits have confirmed its adequacy. The presented comparative results demonstrate versatility of the proposed model with a limited number of fictitious fast moving point sources, which can be applied sufficiently and successfully for analysis of the thermal welding processes of real industrial products of arbitrary thickness without discriminating into plate, plane layer and semi-infinite body models.
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