General Principles: Viscoelastic Properties of Plant Cell Walls I. Mathematical Formulation for Stress Relaxation with Consideration for Pre‐Extension Rate. S. Fujihara, R. Yamamoto and Y. Masuda (Sci. Ed. Inst. of Sakai City, Mozu ak ah ata, Sakai 591, and Dept. of Biology, Faculty of Sci., Osaka City Univ., Sumi‐yoshi‐ku, Osaka 558, Japan) Biorheology 15, (1978) 63–75.General Principles: II. Effect of Pre‐Extension Rate on Stress Relaxation, ibid. 77–85.General Principles: III. Hysteresis Loop in the stress‐Strain Curve at Constant Strain Rate. Y. Masuda (Dept. of Biology, Faculty of Sci., Osaka City Univ., Sumiy oshi‐ku, Osaka 558, Japan), ibid. 87–97.General Principles: Rheology of Polyelectrolyte‐Stabilized Emulsions. II. Dynamic Measurements. T. Van Vliet, J. Lyklema and M. van den Tempel (Lab. for Phys. & Colloid Chem., Agric. Univ., de Dreyen 6 Wageningen, The Netherlands). J. Colloid and Interface Sci. 65, (1978) 505–508.General Principles: Evaluating the Caking Strength of Powders. T. Tanaka (Dept. of Chemical Process Engineering, Hokkaido Univ., Sapporo, Japan). Ind. Eng. Chem. Prod. Res. Dev., 17, (1978) 241–246.General Principles: Dynamics of Insoluble Monolayers. I. Dilational or Elastic Modulus, Friction Coefficient and Marangoni Effect for Dipalmitoyl Lecithin Monolayers. D. S. Dimitrov, I. Panaiotov, P. Richmond and L. Ter‐Minassian‐Saraga (last author's address, Laboratoire de Physico‐Chimie des Surfaces et des Membranes, UER Biomedicale, 45 me des Saints Peres, 75270 Paris Cedex 06, France). J. Colloid and Interface Sci. 65, (1978) 483–494.General Principles: Measuring the Texture of Cooked Spaghetti. I. Sensory and Instrumental Evaluation of Firmness. P. W. Voisey, E. Larmond and R. J. Wasik (Res. Branch, Agric. Canada, Ottawa, Ontario K1A OC6). Can Inst. Food Sci. Technol. J. 11, (1978) 142–148.General Principles: Laboratory Measurements of Eggshell Strength. I. An Instrument for Measuring Shell Strength by Quasi‐Static Compression, Puncture and Non‐Destructive Deformation. P. W. Voisey and D. C. MacDonald (Eng. Res. Service, Res. Branch, Agriculture Canada, Ottawa, Ontario K1A OC6. Canada) Poultry Sci. 57, (1978) 860–869.General Principles: Milk Gel Structure VIII. Effect of Drying on the Scanning Electron Microscopy of Some Dairy Products. M. Kalab (Food Research Inst., Research Branch, Agriculture Canada, Ontario, Canada K1A OC6) Milch wissenschaft 33, (1978) 353–358.General Principles: Texture‐Structure Relationships in Texturized Soy Protein. III. Textural Evaluation of Extruded Products. T. J. Maurice, L. D. Burgess and D. W. Stanley (Dept. of Food Science, Univ. of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada). Can. Inst. Food Sci. Technol. J. 9, (1976) 173–176.General Principles: Texture‐Structure Relationships in Texturized Soy Protein. IV. Influence of Process Variables on Extrusion Texturization. T. J. Maurice and D. W. Stanley (Dept. of Food Science, Univ. of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada) Can. Inst. Food Sci. Technol. J. 11, (1978)1–6.General Principles: Studies of Some Properties of Milk/Soymilk Mixture. W. M. Abou El‐Ella, S. M. Farahat and M. A. Ghandour (Dept. of Food Science, Ain Shams and Zagazig Univ., Egypt) Milch wissenschaft 33, (1978) 295–297.General Principles: Differences in Baking Quality Between Wheat Flours. F. MacRitchie (CSIRO Wheat Research Unit, North Ryde, NSW, 2113, Australia) J. Food Technol. 13, (1978) 187–194.
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