Bristol Bay supports the world’s largest fishery for sockeye salmon which are harvested during an extremely condensed time period as fish return to their natal rivers. Uncertainties in preseason forecasts of run size challenge managers and the fishing community because of limited time to adapt strategies within a season. Preseason forecast errors from 2000 to 2023 were as large as 29%, with a mean absolute % error (MAPE) of 15%. We used autoregressive models including mean size-at-age of returning sockeye salmon, along with other environmental covariates, and weighted these models by the inverse of their MAPE to produce an ensemble in-season model that was subsequently weighted with preseason forecasts. This methodology improved forecasts of run size substantially earlier in the fishing season than currently possible and had an average MAPE of 12% (∼6 million fish), approximately 1 week into the fishing season. This level of error is not met by current in-season methods until approximately 2 weeks later after the season has peaked, and is better than current preseason methods in most years.
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