It is proposed that supersymmetry (SUSY) may be used to understandfermion mass hierarchies. A family symmetry Z3L is introduced,which is the cyclic symmetry among the three generation SU(2)doublets. SUSY breaks at a high energy scale ∼1011 GeV.The electroweak energy scale ∼100 GeV is unnaturally small. Noadditional global symmetry, like the R-parity, is imposed. The Yukawacouplings and R-parity violating couplings all take their natural values,which are \U0001d4aa(100∼10−2). Under the family symmetry, only the thirdgeneration charged fermions get their masses. This family symmetry isbroken in the soft SUSY breaking terms, which result in a hierarchicalpattern of the fermion masses. It turns out that for the chargedleptons, the τ mass is from the Higgs vacuum expectation value(VEV) and the sneutrino VEVs, the muon mass is due to the sneutrino VEVs,and the electron gains its mass due to both Z3L and SUSY breaking.The large neutrino mixing are produced with neutralinos playing the partialrole of right-handed neutrinos. |Ve3|, which is for νe-ντmixing, is expected to be about 0.1. For the quarks, the third generationmasses are from the Higgs VEVs, the second generation masses are fromquantum corrections, and the down quark mass due to the sneutrino VEVs. Itexplains mc/ms, ms/me, md>mu, and so on. Other aspects of themodel are discussed.
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