Attention deficit/hyperactive disorder is increasing in prevalence among children all over the world which affects the children’s communication, learning, and behavior, which in turn affects the quality of life. The depolarization of neurons is modulated by neural stimulation which triggers activity-based mechanisms of neuroplasticity. An external periodic stimulus that can modify the oscillations of the brain through synchronization is called entrainment. In this research virtual reality is combined with brainwave entrainment to improve learning in children with ADHD. The experiment is conducted with 11 subjects diagnosed with ADHD by pediatricians and psychiatrists. Binaural Beats (10 Hz via wired earphones, sine waves) are used for audio, and pulses of light (10 Hz via VR device) are used for visual entrainment. This audio-visual entrainment is done for 20 days with 15 minutes of entrainment per day. EEG was recorded pre and post entrainment sessions using an Emotiv Epoc X device. The analysis revealed an improvement in 8 subjects out of 11 subjects in terms of attention and spatial learning. The overall analysis reveals a significant difference in attention and cognitive ability before and after the AVE sessions in 72% of the subjects. The brain topological map shown also reveals the difference in the brain activity before and after the AVE sessions.
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