Leading-edge protuberances on airfoils have been shown to soften the onset of aerodynamic stall and to increase lift in the post-stall regime. The present study examines the effect of tubercles during dynamic stall. Pitching airfoils with tubercles of different amplitudes are studied by wind-tunnel experiments, where the three-dimensional time-resolved velocity field is determined using large-scale particle-tracking velocimetry. Computational fluid dynamics simulations are carried out that complement the experimental observations providing pressure distribution and aerodynamic forces. The dynamic stall is dominated by a vortex formed at the leading edge; we characterize the vorticity, circulation, and advection path of this dynamic-stall vortex (DSV). The presence of the tubercles profoundly modifies the boundary layer from the leading edge. The roll-up of the vorticity sheet is significantly delayed compared to a conventional airfoil, resulting in a weaker DSV. The vortex formation is shifted downstream, with the overall effect of a weaker and shorter lift overshoot, in turn enabling a quicker transition to deep stall. Regions of flow separation (stall cells) are visibly compartmentalized with a stable spacing of two tubercles wavelengths.
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