A classical microscopic theory of mixed states has recently been formulated in order to deal with the theoretical description of nuclear phenomena observed in highly excited states. In this theory, which is here briefly reviewed, the degrees of freedom of real fermions are doubled by fictitious fermions, in the context of the formalism of thermofield dynamics. The requirement of static stability of the thermal state of equilibrium plays, in the theory, a relevant role. The possibility of constraining the dynamics of the fictitious degrees of freedom, in such a way as to eliminate spurious thermal excitations, is discussed. The concept of canonical collective variables for mixed states is analyzed. Boson expansions appropriate to describe collective excitations of hot quantal systems are introduced and their properties investigated. It is shown that thermal boson expansions based on the formalism of thermofield dynamics are free from formal inconsistencies which may be present in boson expansions derived by an {ital ad} {ital hoc} quantization of conventional thermal mean field theories. The formalism is applied to the Lipkin model, and the correlation energy of a hot system is discussed.
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