A great deal of experimental data has now been accumulated on the action of radiation on electrically insulating materials and dielectrics. As a rule, the effect of radiation transformations on the properties of solids has been neglected in this material [1, 2]. However, in the case of irradiation with a high neutron fluence it is inadmissable to neglect the accumulation of the elements which are formed in transmutational transitions. Our objective in the present paper is to analyze the possible influence of transmutants on the properties of ceramic dielectrics after the dielectrics are irradiated with a flux of neutrons with a wide energy spectrum (up to 14 MeV) to a fluence of about 102-2 cm -2. Irradiation of samples of I 1 brands of ceramics was conducted in the VI~K-8 channel (fluence 3.7.1021 cm -2) and VO-7 channel (fluence 2.3-1022. cm -2) of a BOR-60 reactor. The computational results suggest that in studying the properties of ceramic materials (UF-46, GB-7, MG-2, M-23, L-24, SNTs, SK-1, and others), transmutational processes must be taken into account since the observed changes are large [3]. In the case of the newly formed atoms (B, Si, Li, P, and others), the chemical bonds with the main crystal lattice are broken and these atoms can be treated as weakly bound ions. A typical example is the reaction l~ whose cross section is large, so that the reaction is characterized by a maximum yield of the daughter elements Li and He. The contribution of the transmutants to the specific dielectric losses was calculated using a simplified formula neglecting conductivity losses [4] according to the theory of thermal ionic polarization with a different frequency of the external electric field, temperature, and activation energy. The interatomic distance was taken as the distance between two neighboring positions of equilibrium of the weakly bound ions. The frequency dependence of the specific dielectric losses in the range 50-107 Hz after the ceramic was irradiated in the VI~K-8 channel was investigated. The energy losses P grow almost in proportion to the increase in the frequency. This corresponds to the region of relaxational polarization (o,,8 < < 1). At 300 K and with an activation energy of 0.1 eV the energy losses increase from 1.49.10 -9 up to 61.9 W/m 3 for MG-2, from 1.52" 10 -9 up to 63.4 W/m 3 for GB-7, and from 1.04.10 -9 up to 43.5 W/m 3 for microlite. Comparing with the experimental data for the unirradiated ceramic shows that the influence of the transmutants becomes substantial when the frequency is high and the temperature is relatively low (Fig. 1). The temperature does not appear explicitly in the formula for the dielectric losses. However, the dielectric losses depend strongly on the temperature, since as the temperature varies, the time constant O changes, decreasing with increasing temperature, as does the initial absorption current g, which increases with increasing temperature [3]. Investigations of the function P = F(T) showed that the function has no critical points in the region o~0 < < 1. The character of the temperature dependence was calculated for the temperature interval 523-1373 K. For example, at frequency 50 Gz and activation energy 0.1 eV the specific dielectric losses of the ceramics irradiated in the VO-7 channel decrease with increasing temperature from 4.17.10 -12 to 4.02.10 -12 W/m 3 for GB-7, from 4.56"10 t l to 4.41"10 -12 W/m 3 for MG-2, from 3.05" 10-I t to 2.95.10-12 W/m 3 for uralite. For this value of the activation energy the influence of the transmutants is found to be very small, whereas at 1 eV the yield of transmutants can strongly influence the dielectric losses. For example, after irradiation in the VI~K-8 channel the specific dielectric losses decrease from 4.31'10 -2 to 1.82.10 -8 W/m 3 for GB-7, from 1.98.10 -2 to 8.34.10 -9 W/m 3 for UF-46, and from 2.31-10 -3 to 9.75.10 l ~ W/m 3 for SPK-2 (Fig. 2). The relative contribution of transmutants in the case of an activation energy of 0.44 eV, frequency 50 Hz, and temperature 300 K equals 0.01% for M-23, 0.2% for UF-46, 2.8% for MG-2, and 9.2% for GB-7. Therefore the
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