An explanation can be seen as the process of reducing complicated structures to simple structures. For more than two millennia, the guiding idea was to reduce phenomena to "small particles", to some types of "atoms". In other words: the smaller, the simpler.Up to the atoms of the chemistry this concept was extremely successful. Structures smaller than atomic nuclei, however, require ever higher energies for their production and their analysis. That these ever higher energies lead to ever simpler structures is implausible.The simplest structures that are mathematically possible are abstract bits of quantum information - AQIs. Taken as the ultimate substance, referred to as protyposis, the AQI concept affords a unifying explanation of the structure of space and time and the evolution of the cosmos and its inventory.Some thirty years ago, the model of a closed cosmos expanding at the speed of light was developed deriving from basic quantum-theoretical arguments. In this model, the equation of state reads ρ + 3p = 0 (ρ and p denoting cosmological energy density and pressure). At the core of the model, there are the quantum bits of absolute quantum information (AQI), the simplest of all possible quantum structures.Recent astrophysical investigations declare that the "ρ + 3p = 0"-model is in better agreement with the observation data than the present standard flat-ΛCDM model. Ad hoc assumptions such as Dark Energy and Inflation are dispensable.The protyposis theory has been advanced to account for the formation of relativistic quantum particles from AQI bits. Moreover, a rationalization has been given of the General Theory of Relativity and of the three non-gravitational forces.Ultimately, the protyposis concept will allow us to understand the emergence of both matter and consciousness from the AQIs
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