Sunflower Verticillium Wilt (SVW) caused by Verticillium dahliae is a significant threat to sunflower production in China. This soilborne disease is difficult to control. It has been observed that delayed sowing reduces the severity of SVW on different varieties and across various locations. Soil was collected from multiple locations with different sowing dates to understand the underlying biological mechanisms driving this phenomenon. The soil bacterial community was characterized through 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing performed on the Illumina MiSeq platform, followed by comprehensive bioinformatics analysis. Microsclerotia numbers in soil were detected using both NP-10 selective medium and quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR). By delaying the sowing date, the number of microsclerotia in soil and the biomass of V. dahliae colonized inside sunflower roots were reduced during the early developmental stages (V2–V6) of sunflowers. Amplicon sequencing revealed an increased abundance of bacterial genera, such as Pseudomonas, Azoarcus, and Bacillus in soil samples collected from delayed sowing plots. Five bacterial strains isolated from the delayed sowing plot exhibited strong antagonistic effects against V. dahliae. The result of the pot experiments indicated that supplying two different synthetic communities (SynComs) in the pot did increase the control efficiencies on SVW by 19.08% and 37.82% separately. Additionally, soil temperature and humidity across different sowing dates were also monitored, and a significant correlation between disease severity and environmental factors was observed. In conclusion, delayed sowing appears to decrease microsclerotia levels by recruiting beneficial rhizosphere bacteria, thereby reducing the severity of SVW.
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