Chromosome banding patterns, showing number, location, and size of heterochromatin bands, provide unique ways to identify individual chromosomes of a complement and to elucidate phylogenetic relationships among related species. However, no report is available describing banding characteristics of chromosomes for the 10‐chromosome Parasorghum spp. Therefore, the objectives of this research were to develop banding techniques suitable for the sorghum chromosomes and to depict their banding patterns. Heterochromatin banding methods (N‐ and C‐banding) were applied and the N‐ and C‐banded karyotypes were depicted for two Parasorghum species, Sorghum purpureo‐sericeum Aschers & Schweinf and S. versicolor Anderss. All chromosomes of S. purpureo‐sericeum had intensive centromeric N‐ and C‐hands on both arms, except chromosome 4, which showed a faint centromere N‐band on the long arm. Chromosomes 1, 3, and 4 showed prominent telomeric N‐ and C‐hands on short arms, in addition to the intensive intercalary N‐bands, whereas chromosomes 2 and 5 had only intensive intercalary N‐ and C‐bands on short arms. Chromosomes 3 and 4 showed faint telomeric N‐bands and intensive telomeric C‐bands on the long arm. For S. versicolor, chromosomes 1, 3, 4, and 5 showed intensive centromeric N‐ and C‐bands. Telomeric N‐ and C‐bands were faint on the long arms of chromosomes 1 and 4 and were not found on long arms of chromosomes 2, 3, and 5. Chromosome 2 had faint intercalary N‐ and C‐bands on the long arm and also a faint centromeric C‐band. For chromosomes 1, 2, and 5, N‐ and C‐banded karyotypes of the two Parasorghum species were similar, but not identical. Some variation existed between N‐ and C‐banding patterns for the same species. The N‐ and C‐banding patterns for chromosomes in S. purpureo‐sericeum and S. versicolor should be useful in identifying individual chromosomes, in detecting structural aberrations, and in evaluating their phylogenetic relationships with other Sorghum species.
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